Terms & Conditions
The visitors are cautioned to read all the terms and conditions under which they can access the blogai.in Portal. Only visitors agreeing for these terms may access the site for accessing content or for availing any of the free or paid services offered by the site and/or its partners/ affiliates/ advertisers/ franchisees/ agents/ blog Post / agencies etc. By using, accessing, viewing, subscribing to services offered by https://blogai.in/ including webpage and feature, information, data contained therein you agree to be bound by and abide by the terms and conditions under which these services are offered. You should not use any https://blogai.in/ services in case any of the terms and conditions are not acceptable to you.
This is a legal agreement (“Agreement”) between the visitor/Subscriber and https://blogai.in/, hereinafter referred to as, the owner and operator of the website: https://blogai.in/ and/or such other web site that may be periodically linked either to this web address or to the home page of blogai.in portal,
Access to the site cannot be had unless and until these terms and conditions are read and consented to.
1. Use and Access:
- This site is primarily intended to disseminate news, views and opinions and current affairs.
- The services offered by the site and/or its partners/ affiliates/ advertisers/ franchisees/ agents/ agencies etc. may be accessed and/or used generally by any intending party, irrespective of region, religion, language, caste, creed, community, race, location, etc but subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement. This Agreement shall continue to be in full force and effect for so long as you are using the website services.
- The visitors/ users/ Subscribers must be majors and should be capable of contracting as per law of the land, where they access the portals. You represent and warrant that you are competent and eligible to enter into a legally binding agreement and have the requisite authority to represent and bind the other party to this Agreement. You shall not use this Service if you are not competent to contract under the applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
- They must also submit and subject themselves to the laws of India and to the jurisdiction of law courts at Hyderabad, Telangana, India, for resolution of any dispute arising out of any eventuality related and/or attributable to the information posted in the site or URLs linked to this site.
- https://blogai.in/ reserves the right to alter, amend, modify or terminate the service or access to the service at any time, with or without cause. https://blogai.in/ may at any time modify the terms and conditions (“Terms”) of the Service without any prior notification to you. You can access the latest version of the Terms here at any given time. You should regularly review the Terms. The users/subscribers shall agree for all such modifications, alterations, deletions, additions to the content or material or lay-out or get-up or color scheme or features or advertisements that may be made to the site at the discretion of https://blogai.in/. In the event the modified Terms are not acceptable to you, you should discontinue using the service.
2. Subscription:
- By registering a profile when called for, one becomes a subscriber of https://blogai.in/ Portal. The Subscriber can access the content by logging into the portal with their user id and password. You shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password, which you will not be under an obligation to reveal to any representative or agent of https://blogai.in/
- The subscription is currently free but Rachana Television Private Limited reserves its right to charge a subscription fee in the future. Thereafter, any person who remits the prescribed fees becomes a subscriber, as soon as the fees are duly accepted by https://blogai.in/ and as soon the paid Subscribership is activated.
- The subscription to the site is only for the sole, exclusive, personal use of the subscriber.
- A subscriber cannot authorize others to use his/her Subscribership. A Subscriber cannot make the information on the site, available to anyone else either gratuitously or for any consideration.
- The subscription of https://blogai.in/ Portal is not transferable and not assignable to any third party. It cannot to be assigned, transferred or licensed or used by any person/entity other than a registered Subscriber.
- Commercial use of information is strictly prohibited.
- The subscriber shall not alter or delete any material that is displayed on the portal nor shall the subscriber do or caused to be done anything that may damage the material posted on the portal or that may jeopardize any system or device attached or connected to the portal or the server of https://blogai.in/
- The subscriber who does or cause to be done any objectionable/illegal act shall render himself/herself liable for all legal consequences thereto and shall also be liable to indemnify https://blogai.in/ against any costs and consequences arising out of such objectionable/illegal acts of the subscriber to third parties.
- The individuals seeking Subscribership may, at the discretion of https://blogai.in/ be asked to furnish proof of their age, residence, nationality, academic qualifications, other credentials claimed and such other information, before granting access to the site or Subscribership. https://blogai.in/ has the right to do a reference check in order to establish the credentials of the Subscriber before activating the profile on the website. https://blogai.in/ shall not furnish any material or information displayed on the site to anyone.
3. Profile:
- A profile of a subscriber is created by filling up the application online.
- Subscriber may upload his/her photograph or a video clipping, when such a facility is made available, subject to technical feasibility.
4. Uploading/Posting of Material:
- Only owners of photos, data, profiles or any other material can upload the same to the site. Others cannot upload or submit material for display on the site.
- The person uploading/submitting material to the site is presumed to be the owner of such material and that such owner has placed/uploaded/submitted/made available under an assurance and undertaking and warranty that he/she is the owner of the material placed/ uploaded/ submitted/made available and with a further irrevocable right/authorization in favour of https://blogai.in/ to display the material on the site without any obligation whatsoever on the part of https://blogai.in/ or on such other persons authorized by https://blogai.in/ either expressly or impliedly, to pay any remuneration, royalty, license fee etc. and such right/ authorization shall be without any territorial and time restrictions.
- The subscriber shall finally be responsible and liable for any eventuality resulting in such posting or uploading of any material on the portal under his/her user id. https://blogai.in/ shall be obliged under law to furnish the information to the concerned authorities, relating to any subscriber under whose user id any objectionable content is posted on the website or if any objectionable act is committed using the user id of a subscriber.
- The subscriber shall not post any defamatory, offensive, excessive, exaggerated, false, malafide, inaccurate, erroneous, blasphemous, obscene, profane, pirated, offensive, salacious, ghastly, indecent, racial or illegal material on the site.
- The visitors or subscriber shall not send abusive, threatening, coercive, harassing, indecent, obscene mails
- No advertisement can be made on the site of any product or service or no offer of any sale of goods or services can be made without the prior consent of https://blogai.in/
- The Subscribers shall not submit or upload any material, which impinges upon or infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties. There shall be an implied assurance and undertaking from the Subscribers about the ownership, genuineness, and originality of all the information photographs profiles or other material submitted and/or uploaded on the site.
5. Deactivation /Deletion of Profile:
- Profile of a paid Subscriber will be automatically deactivated if not renewed before expiry
- The profile of a subscriber will be automatically deleted if it is inactive for 6 months.
6. Cancellation of Subscribership:
- https://blogai.in/ reserves unfettered right to cancel any subscription at any stage, without assigning any reason whatsoever. The Subscriber who thus forfeits the Subscribership shall not have any claim whatsoever either for the refund of Subscribership fee paid if any or any material is given or any information furnished to https://blogai.in/.
- A subscription will automatically be canceled if any abusive, obscene or sexually oriented message/s or photo/s or video/s are sent by any Subscriber to other Subscribers or if such material is added to any profile. Such Subscribers shall not be entitled to any compensation from https://blogai.in/.
7. Termination of Agreement:
- This agreement can be terminated by either of the parties at any time, for any reason without notice to the other party. This right is without prejudice to the right of https://blogai.in/ to suspend or terminate the access of the Subscriber to the site without notice for any breach of this Agreement.
8. Schemes:
- https://blogai.in/ offers periodically, different types of schemes on the site, for the convenience of all the Subscribers, each with their own distinct benefits. https://blogai.in/ reserves the right to modify, amend, alter, change or discontinue the schemes at their absolute discretion. Subscribers are advised to refer Subscribership plans for current schemes.
9. Online Chat:
- https://blogai.in/ may provide special services like ‘online chatting’, etc to Subscribers. The ‘online chat’ feature is primarily provided to facilitate online contact of two Subscribers. https://blogai.in/ does not record or otherwise store any data transferred during ‘online chatting’ by Subscribers. Subscribers shall be personally responsible and liable for their conduct, behavior, language used and information transferred safety, security, privacy on ‘online chat’. Any objectionable conduct or behavior entails penal consequences apart from cancellation of Subscribership and deactivation of all services.
10. Ownership:
- This site is owned and operated by https://blogai.in/ also operates The Company hereby reserves the right to change or discontinue any service, feature, offer, gift, contest, design, layout, content, platform, equipment, systems, program, software needed for the access or use of the site including Subscriber’s area.
- https://blogai.in/ reserves their right to make such modifications, alterations, deletions, additions to the content or material or lay-out or get-up or color scheme or features or advertisements, from time to time.
- https://blogai.in/ also reserves all their right to upgrade or downgrade the technology or platforms deployed by them in the portal and the subscribers shall have no objection for any such up-gradation and down-gradation of technology or change of platforms or deployment of new technology.
11. Duties and Obligations of Visitors and Subscribers:
- The Subscribers shall furnish truthful, authentic, genuine, relevant, valid, correct, current, fair information for being displayed or posted on the site.
- The Subscribers shall provide proof as may be required by https://blogai.in/ to substantiate the information furnished.
- Every Subscriber impliedly undertakes personal responsibility and liability as to the correctness, authenticity, genuineness of the information furnished for display on site.
- The onus of proving the correctness of information furnished and/or displayed on the site lies on the concerned Subscribers.
- The onus of proving that the information is wrong lies on the Subscribers/third parties asserting, relying on/using the information.
- It shall be the duty of the visitors and Subscribers seeking any alliance or business relationship from the Subscribers whose profiles are displayed on any matrimony or business page in the site, to cause thorough enquiry and cross-check the correctness, authenticity, currency, genuineness of the information displayed on the site and take adequate precautions on their own before finalising the alliance or partnership.
- The Subscribers availing online chat facility shall not misuse or misbehave with other Subscribers.
- The Subscribers or non-Subscribers availing any services from third-party vendors adverting on the portal are advised to make independent verification of the product or service. https://blogai.in/ shall not be responsible or liable for any misrepresentation or falsity of information on the site.
12. Intellectual Property Rights: The intellectual property rights in the site like Trademarks, copyright in artistic works, photographs, creative, graphics, layout, design, text, video, audio, etc shall exclusively vest in https://blogai.in/. Any violation of such Intellectual Property Rights of https://blogai.in/ by copying, publishing, distributing, modifying, transferring, altering, imposing, defacing shall be punishable under Law, including Copyright laws. sources material and photographs from Authorised Agencies and from Government websites which are copyright free. also sources news and material from Private agencies on the agreement of non-commercial use and non-distribution of the material and photographs. The Subscribers are advised not to download any images or material from https://blogai.in/ Portal and any use of the images downloaded from https://blogai.in/ Portals shall amount to infringement of the copyright of the owner of the photographs and shall entail penal consequences. The Intellectual Property rights in various trademarks, logos, photographs, text and other material posted on https://blogai.in/ Portal and any use of the same by the subscribers for whatever purpose would infringe upon the Intellectual Property Rights of the owners of the material including https://blogai.in/. Subscribers are cautioned against the use of any intellectual property down loaded from https://blogai.in/ Portal.
- Copying, storage, transmission, circulation of any information including photographs, profiles, code numbers, Subscribership numbers, addresses, etc displayed on the site, is strictly prohibited.
- third parties by way of a licence may be protected by international copyright laws, violation of which would entail penal consequences under international laws.
- The Subscribers/visitors shall be solely responsible and liable for all the consequences arising out of any infringement of copyrights, proprietary rights including but not limited to damages, attorney fees, and expenses.
14. Advertisements:
- https://blogai.in/ publishes advertisements on the https://blogai.in/ Portal on “as is where is” basis. https://blogai.in/ shall not endorse any products or services, advertised on https://blogai.in/ Portal nor do they vouch about the quality, quantity, utility of the product/services, advertised on https://blogai.in/ Portal the users/consumers are advised to cross-verify the genuineness, quality, quantity, utility and other attributes of the products/services advertised on https://blogai.in/ Portal.
- https://blogai.in/ does not vouch about the genuineness, qualification, age, region, religion, a caste of any person whose profile is advertised in the matrimonial columns of https://blogai.in/ Portal. Individuals are advised and cautioned to cross-verify all the claims made in the matrimonial advertisements before fixing up the alliance. https://blogai.in/ shall not be responsible or liable for any misrepresentation made in any such matrimonial advertisements.
- https://blogai.in/ shall not undertake any responsibility for display of any erroneous or unauthorized material or information on the site and the liability of https://blogai.in/ in case of any such display shall be limited to the removal of such information or material from the site and providing the details of the Subscribership account from where the offending information or material is found to have been uploaded to the site as per the records of https://blogai.in/.
- https://blogai.in/ shall be at liberty to run/display advertisements in https://blogai.in Portal in various forms, namely pop-ups, scrolls, tickers, buttons, paid links, ear panels, banner ads, etc., The subscriber shall not have objection for running all such advertisements on https://blogai.in/ Portal.
- https://blogai.in/ may distribute mail ids of the subscribers to their sister’s concerns for promotional activity. The subscribers by default are construed to have agreed for distribution of their mail ids to the sister concerns of https://blogai.in/ only for promotional purposes. The subscribers are however at liberty to advise appropriately to the concerned, if they do not desire to receive the promotional material, by opting out of the direct mailers.
- The Subscribership/access to the site is available subject to the condition that the site is accessed/used at the sole risk of the Subscriber/visitor. https://blogai.in/ cannot and does not guarantee the availability of connection to the site, the services, and facilities nor does it assure any accuracy, quality, quantity, genuineness, and promptness of any of the services offered on the site.
- While every endeavor is made to make the site free of any bugs, errors, viruses, failures, delays in transmission, etc. https://blogai.in/ does not guarantee that the site or any of the services offered would be free of bugs, errors, viruses, failures, and https://blogai.in/ does not accept any responsibility or liability for any such bugs, errors, viruses, failures delay in transmission, etc in the site.
- https://blogai.in/ reserves the right to make such additions, alterations, modifications, insertions, improvements to the site for the betterment and quality enhancement of the material displayed on the site. The Subscribers shall also agree for such modifications to the material for compatibility with the technological advancement and shall, without demur, agree for any changes that may be required to be made at the discretion of https://blogai.in/ and also provide such information or material that may required for updation or upgradation of the site in view of any technological advancement.
15. Indemnity:
- The Subscribers shall indemnify https://blogai.in/ against any claims by third parties against https://blogai.in/ in respect of any material posted by them on the site or any claim made by them in the profile.
- The Subscribers shall indemnify https://blogai.in/ against any claims by third parties in respect of infringements of any Intellectual Property Rights in respect of and/or in relation to any material posted by them on the site.
16. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability:
- This site is provided by https://blogai.in/ on an “as is” and “as available” basis. https://blogai.in/ makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of this site or the authenticity of the information, content, materials, or products included on this site. The visitor/Subscriber expressly agrees that his/her use of this site is at his/her sole risk.
- https://blogai.in/ does not warrant that this site, its servers, or e-mail sent from this site are free of viruses or other harmful components. https://blogai.in/ will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this site, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages.
- https://blogai.in/ does not give any warranty whatsoever either express or implied, for any advertisement material displayed on the site as to the quality, quantity, utility, originality, genuineness, legality, punctuality of any goods or services offered by https://blogai.in/ or its agents, business affiliates, associates, agencies, franchisees, etc. https://blogai.in/ also does not give any warranty whatsoever either express or implied, of any disruption, interruption, breakdown of the site or services offered by https://blogai.in/ or its agents, business affiliates, associates, agencies, franchisees, etc.
- https://blogai.in/ shall not be liable for any damages to any Subscribers or visitors or users or third parties for any injury or damage or hardship sustained by them on account of any error, failure, discrepancy, defect, shortfall, misdescription; any bugs, errors, viruses, failures delay in transmission, etc in the site; any defamatory, offensive, excessive, exaggerated, false, malafide, inaccurate, erroneous, blasphemous, obscene, profane, pirated, offensive, salacious, ghastly, indecent, racial or illegal material on the site. The Subscribers/visitors/users of the site specifically agree to this and discharge https://blogai.in/ from any liability whatsoever for the said acts.
- None of the staff or directors or officers or employees or agents of https://blogai.in/ shall be liable in any manner whatsoever, for any of the claims of a Subscriber for any loss, damage, costs, expenses sustained or likely to be sustained by him/her, by the use and access of the site.
- All articles, stories, information, news, views, incidents, occurrences, etc and any predictions, horoscopes, information that may be posted or displayed on the site are purely that of the respective authors. Subscribers/ visitors/users are requested to crosscheck the information from sources that are the most reliable and trusted in their personal opinion. https://blogai.in/ shall not be liable for any action, damages, indemnity, cost, expenses that the Subscribers/visitors/ users may have sustained or incurred from the use of such information.
- https://blogai.in/ shall not be responsible or liable for any inaccurate, false, excessive, outdated, irrelevant information displayed or posted on the site at the instance of a Subscriber.
- https://blogai.in/ shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever for any errors, discrepancies, and falsities in the information furnished by the Subscribers and displayed on the site.
- https://blogai.in/ shall not in any manner be responsible for any infringement and Intellectual Property rights of any third parties by Subscribers.
- All articles, stories, features, news, views and opinions, occurrences, incidents displayed on https://blogai.in/ Portal are supplied by various agencies, written by respective authors and https://blogai.in/ does not assume any responsibility or liability for any inaccuracy in any of the material posted on the website. The aggrieved parties are advised to address their grievances if any, to the concerned authority as indicated elsewhere in the portal. The Staff and Management, Directors of https://blogai.in/ shall not be personally liable for any inaccuracy in the material posted on the website.
- Horoscopes and predictions are sourced by https://blogai.in/ from experts/professionals in the field. https://blogai.in/does not vouch for the accuracy of horoscopes and predictions, which are broadly indicative and may vary in individual cases. Individuals are advised to exercise caution in following the horoscope or predictions and are advised to cross-check the same if necessary.
- https://blogai.in/, their staff, employees, directors, etc., shall not be liable for any inaccuracy in horoscope or prediction and for any consequent loss, damage, inconvenience caused to any member of the public by such horoscope or prediction.
- Information relating to services like bus, train, a flight is provided on best effort basis on the basis available information obtained by the staff of https://blogai.in/. Members of the public are advised and cautioned to cross-check the information relating to the timings etc,. Casualties in information relating to accidents, information relating to casualties in any such accidents from link sources. https://blogai.in/, their staff, directors shall not be responsible for any inaccurate information